What is it About Shoes?

I just have to know. What is it about shoes?

I own five pairs of shoes and I can tell you where they are located at any given point in time. Each of them has a purpose. I have a black pair of tie-up shoes used for work and only work. In fact, they stay in my locker at work.

The second pair of shoes are basically a backup for the first pair. They are slip on Dexter loafers in black and brown. Multifunctional and works with nearly every outfit.

Third are my Nike Air Monarchs. I use these for nearly everything casual including my daily trip to work. After arriving at work, I put on the shoes mentioned first.

Next are the mowing sneakers. They are plain white New Balance and were the predecessor to the Monarchs. I use them when I am mowing. They are green.

Lastly are my bowling shoes. Dexter bowling shoes. They cannot be worn outside of a bowling alley, so they stay in my bowling bag (lately without any usage at all).

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Why in the world do women need so many pairs of shoes? I took a train poll of men vs. women and shoes and I found out that women have nearly 10 times as many shoes as men. They all (men and women alike) have two feet. Why in the world would anyone need 40 to 50 pairs of shoes? Let's perform a little math here.

365 days in the year divide by 50 pairs of shoes equals 7.3 days per pair of shoes or 3.65 per foot. But we are finished yet. You see, the women rotate out shoes so in a years time, they will have owned 60 pairs of shoes. The new math makes it 6 days per pair of shoes. OK, grant I may only wear my bowling shoes 6 times this year, but my other shoes are going to be worn down. Once the Monarch are worn to the point of holes, I will rotate them out and they will become the mowing shoes.

Why do women need so many pairs of shoes? Is it a case where someone needs to open a shoe rental business for all of the women to match their clothes?

Do you know...

88% of women buy shoes that are one size too small.

Carrie Bradshaw spent an estimated $400,000 on her closetful of shoes in Sex and the City.


Anonymous said…
Hi Tatonka!

I miss reading your blog. Catching up right now. I love this entry. And I love your new layout.

Carrie from Sex and the City has that amount on her closetful of shoes because she only uses Manolo Blahnik. The most ridiculous priced shoes I've ever seen but I think they really are in good quality.

I love shoes. hehehe! I couldn't get enough of it.
Let's just say, the simple way of explaining this is...
Women care more about shoes just as men care about beers and sports or smokers care about their cigarettes.
Erin said…
Nah, I couldn't deal with rental shoes. I'd be way too obsessed with whether or not the person who wore them before me had foot fungus...
Rigmor said…
17 (including an old pair I only use for fisihing) I feel strangely inadequate for a female now.
Actually you only have 4 pairs of shoes as in my manic spring house dump, I tossed them along with 10 pairs of my shoes.

The reason women need so many damn shoes is that unlike men who (unless they are tranny's which is cool) only were some derivation of pants. Women have pants,jeans, slacks, full length, knee length, mini and calf length skirts, shorts, hot pants, gauchos, capris, crops clam diggers, skorts (shudder), workout pants, workout shorts, dresses, bridal gown (except for me dammit) braides maids gowns, dress for best friends wedding, christing gown, gown to wear to childs christing, dress to wear to wedding of kid, funeral wear, beach wear, stay at home mom wear and so on

I have three pair that I currently wear on a dailt basis and three that I wear on a weekly basis. So bite me.

Our daughter has boots (that you bought her) Dora light up shoes, wite canvas tennis shoes, flip flops and sandals. So there.
Nirek said…
women are born to spend what her guy earns. If her guy earns a lot, then they hv to find ways to spend it right. so is their shopping addiction.

i heard gals go for shopping when they feel blue. so small math...if they buy 60 shoes within a year, that mean once in 6 days, they feel blue.....
thats really bad. ;)
Anonymous said…
all women do not spend their Guys money on shoes!! I earn my OWN money and but my shoes with that! I currentle have 47 pairs and i know everyone of them was worth the purchase!! :)

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